Not only are you loved but you are chosen
1 Thessalonians 1:4
"We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own people"
Yesterday we talked about how we are all loved, it is great to know we are loved but to realize you are chosen can change your world.
How many have made it through the dreaded time of being "picked" as a kid for some game. Whether it was early or late in the choosing process there was a worry about "if" you were going to be picked. Your worth or value were in someone else's hands.
Well your value is still in someone else's hands. Whoever can make you feel worthless or valueless you have placed your life into their hands.
God has "picked you", you have been chosen by God. He places so much value on you that He was willing to die for you. He gave His best, His son's life for you! You have that much value. Why waste your life allowing someone else to assign your value. God says He picked you and you are the best!
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